The we worship LivTomJulCo. page

Due to the high security risk of publishing a webpage on what is known as the "internet", we have decided to give ourselves code names for security. So henceforth Liv shall be known as Decoy Otis, Jul as Solid Gap, and Tom as Slightly Crunchy Muesli.

Latest Comic: It's not Slightly, honest!, Perils of travel, Morning
Latest humourii: Attack of the mutant killer potatoes, LTJ - The boyband, The LTJ Health Farm
Epic tale updates: Pocroot for breakfast, 25/07/02, The legend begins, 15/07/02

Do you miss the epic music? Yes? Then you're in luck!

Daily quote: "It looks as though this year there will be seventeen Grand Prix for the World Championship, compared with the traditional seventeen." - Murray Walker

Any death threats? Hate mail? Then E-Mail: LTJ
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© LivTomJulCo.