
This page contains various items of quality and immense humour.
Attack of the mutant killer potatoes
A typical day for LTJ.
LTJ - The boyband
A world exclusive interview with the band behind the smash hit, "I love to love your love, love, love".
The LTJ Health Farm
Keep healthy in body and in mind. Inlcuding the Mulch Pool and Nasal Cavity Cleansing.
The UK Road Appreciation Society
A subject very close to our hearts.
How to tell if you are a moron.
The LTJ Name Generator
This will generate your LTJ name and give a brief summary of your achievements.
The Sons of Sciatica
A cutting investigation into one of the most secretive organisations.
The book of gap
Some translations from the fabled book of gap.
Flying hats
Some pictures of some hats. Some flying.
Tasty eats
LTJ's favourite foods. These include the fabled Book of Cheese, a sandwich invented by Cam Winstanley himself (though he denies it), and the now world renowned Dodman's Rock bread.
LTJ undercover a conspiracy about hat wearing.
Wardy worship
Tribute to a philosophy teacher.