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said, striding towards Rho's room, "This will do nicely - I require sleep.
Many thanks."
The door closed. Bordran and Rhomina looked at each other.
Twado hated his dreams, but most of all he
hated waking up from them. Usually, this involved his thighs being eaten of
his nose being crushed.
This time he appeared to have lost the use of his eyes and his legs were
not responding to his commands.
-I'll give it a candle of two before Luna or Svana come along and break one
of my wrists for want of some action or perhaps pull a few finger-nails out
for amusement.-
"Godspawn!" he yelled for not particular reason other than frustration.
"You're alive!" exclaimed a voice, "Thank Borc. I feared you were all
"Yay, at least my ears are functioning!"
"Count Borking, you say? Nice to meet you, Mine's Grimpin. Stinge
"…though yours definitely aren't…" muttered Twado.
"Is it just the two of us? Where are my companions?"
"Campons? Oh, companions, yes your friend with the hat is here, as is your
blind lady friend. Both unconscious, Favros I fear.
"I'm periodically stuffing their noses with snow, but I am unsure as to
whether it is having any effect at all. Oh, and the bearded one is outside
with my liege."
"Aha," said Twado, having taken none of this in, but trying to sound
interested, "bravo! Err… Ahem… Where are we exactly?"
Twado groped at his face expecting to find gaping, bloody holes where his
eyes should have been after Luna had supped on them, but was surprised to
find that they appeared healthy. Though he still couldn't see. As he began
to wonder if, in fact it was just dark, he heard singing.
To be continued...
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