The official LTJ sandwich

This delicacy was invented in Oct 94 by Cam Winstanley. Cam you
are a genius. We will never forget you. Even though you're not dead.
The legendary LTJ sandwich is a sandwich which can be eaten at
any time of the day, but we recommend that that time is either breakfast, elevenses,
as a pudding or best of all as a late night snack. It is a sarny which is required
to be made in such a manner:
Lightly toasted brown bread of a wholemeal grain with hoards
of marg/butter. Then...
Thick layer of strawberry jam...
Layer of sliced bananas...
Thick layer of peanut butter (slightly crunchy)...
Lightly toasted brown bread of a wholemeal grain with hoards
of marg/butter.
Due to the extreme violent texture of the beast it is necessary
to remember to have a drink at hand to stop the choking - milk is what goes
down best.
be WOLFED down ensuring that jam and banana soil your best shirt. When the
convulsions become overpowering then and only then must you grab at the
milk in order to dislodge the choking mulch. |
For extra variation: use Dodman's Rockbread. Several pints of
milk may be required.
Containing just 83.000 calories it is remarkably unfattening.
Perfect for all Americans.