Grounded hats
With ingenious tactics (lots of rope and enticements) and much skill, the hats
were, for short periods, forced into a grounded state. This enables a more relaxed
and clear viewing of them.

The LTJ hat, as modeled by Gap.

Wigs are often used to increase the protection from the hats.
Left: Thieved from Santa; Right: Earwax-powered, radio hat.
The world famous Maccy D's hat.
Procured for free from a traveling salesperson, and perhaps the most powerful
of them all.

Useful for scaring minions away.

Despite the poor quality of this picture, Solid Gap can been see to be wearing
several hats at once - a very brave feat.
Multiple modeling of hats.

Using the much heralded Ochenstiker maneuver, Solid and Slightly have managed,
without the use of rope or any other external aids, a temporary state of grounding.

Having lost his hat, Slightly is in severe depression.

He then tries, in a state of desperation, to filtch the coiled string of Decoy.
Decoy, foreseeing this event, is depressed too.